( originally written by me on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:05pm ·)
.....and today... 22nd oct travelling back from Jamshedpur to Kolkata - a not so good experience. The train is stuck between Ghatshila & Jhargram due to some agitation on the trancks...
its been more than an hr and a half and i'm beginning to get a little bugged... not at the delay... BUT at the company...
Let me tell you why...
--- sitting beside me is a serviceman with his friend sitting opposite him. Their opening conversation when we boarded the train was abot his BOSS.... and how he cant provide them with a decent laptop. Hoe essential it is to have a good laptop.... how much money does the boss make.... and how easy it should be for him to afford one...-- this conversation lasted an HOUR!!
--- a Mallu man who had captured the window seat opposite mine was not talking... that does not mean he was silent either... he was SLEEPING!! and SNORING!! ... he was snoring soo loudly that the entire compartment wanted to buy him TEA!! -- WE WISH!!
-- at my right hand side is a mom & her son who keeps calling her husband every 30 mins & each time she reminded him... how she did not want to travel today... how she got intutions that today was not a good day to travel.... and also that she was fine...!! FINE!! did she just say FINE??? .... how? how can you call someone every 30 mins... n crib n cry about your journey... & say i'm fine??? - - - uuugghhh!!!
-- there is a 5 yr old girl sitting in the seat behind mine with her mom... who just cant stop talking... - -
with such AWESOME company.... how can you get bored??